Popular colors of the Rover Streetwise
Color | Number |
Gray | 132 |
Blue | 62 |
Black | 39 |
Red | 20 |
Green | 13 |
Yellow | 7 |
Popular colors of the Rover Streetwise
What is the most popular color of the Rover Streetwise?
The most popular color of the Streetwise is Gray.
The second most popular color is Blue, followed by Black.
The top 3 colors constitute 85% of all the Rover Streetwise cars driving in The Netherlands.
Rover Streetwise colors per build year
The chart below shows the number of cars on the road for each build year, and for each color of the vehicle.
Various vehicle types of the Rover Streetwise
The chart below shows the number of Rover Streetwise cars per vehicle type and color.
100-Serie, 200-Serie, 25, 3500, 400-Serie, 45, 600-Serie, 75, 800-Serie, Cabriolet, Estate, Metro, Mini, Montego, Range Rover, Streetwise, Tourer,